Marathon Strategies

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COVID-19 Covered demonstrates our integrated rapid response capabilities at their best. 

With the impact of the novel coronavirus changing by the minute, we created COVID-19 CoveredAs a nightly newsletter and daily-updated website, COVID-19 Covered gives corporate America, nonprofits, and philanthropies needtoknow information during this unprecedented crisis.  

COVID-19 Covered illustrates our strong research, digital, and creative capabilities — especially our ability to produce high-quality content and time-sensitive information on a daily basis. COVID-19 Covered is also a free resource that we’re offering to valued clients and prospects.

COVID-19 Covered includes:

Nightly updates

State-by-state data

Giving opportunities

Access to a live dashboard showing the trending discussions of the pandemic nationally and globally

A weekly video series, “Word Off the Street,” where business leaders discuss how they’re grappling with diverse issues such as food safety, domestic violence, and hunger

Have a pressing PR, issue-management, reputation-management, communications, public affairs, or research problem? Let us know and we will be in touch.